Purchasing a home is one of the largest purchases that you will make during your lifetime. There are many things that you will want to look at before signing on the dotted line. Many individuals have a home inspection that overviews all of the important systems in your home, as well as interior exterior construction quality.
Careful inspection of the roof is imperative before buying your home. A roof can look just fine at a glance, but can have serious underlying issues that can leave you with expensive and unexpected repairs, not just to the roof itself, but also to your home’s interior. This is why it is a great idea to have Austin roofing companies come do a detailed roof inspection of both shingle and metal roofing before you close on your house.
If you choose to not have a professional inspection by Austin roofing companies, here are some things to look for in your roof before buying your home.
Most homes come with a disclosure statement that should include the age of the roof and any issues that the homeowner has dealt with. If this isn’t the case, you can make observations about the roof to give you an idea of its age and condition. Look for breaks or cracking in the shingles, as well as curling around the edges. Also, examine the roofing materials. Roofs can be made of ceramic tiling, composite materials, rubber or metal roofing. Most newer roofs are composite shingles or metal. Other materials may indicate your roof is older.
Even if the roof on the home you are looking at is new, if it doesn’t have proper ventilation, you may face major issues down the road. You should look for a ventilation system that lets in both sunlight and air. Any roof system that lacks this sets the home up for mold and moisture issues.
Every roof should have proper gutters, piping and downspouts to drain water away from the roof. They should be attached well, free from plant growth and debris and not full of granules from shingles. Checking the gutters can be risky, therefore it is recommended that an Austin roofing companies professional handle this task.
Mold can occur on a roof anywhere that there is recurrent dampness. It can be various colors and have an unpleasant odor. Roof mold should be taken seriously as it can cause shingle damage and cause serious health problems.
Leaks in a roof don’t just cause problems with the roof itself. They can lead to horrific damage to walls, floors and even a home’s foundation. These leaks can destroy your interior paint and rot the joists inside your wall. Leaks that start from your roof can be difficult to trace if left go. Look to see that shingles are flush and flat and that all flashing appears to be smooth.
We hope that these recommendations help you to feel confident in inspecting roofs while on your home search.